
Last Minute Galentines Gift: Reusable Makeup Pads

If you don’t know this about me: Parks and Recreation is my favorite show. Ever. And Leslie Knope is my spirit mother. Feminist, aggressively loving, and crafts for fun and to prove a point. Leslie started the tradition of Galentines Day: where the day before valentines day you celebrate your best lady friends. 


Last Year my good friend Stephanie of Fired Figments made me one of her classic dragon mugs in my favorite color (pink, duh) for Galentines Day and I did nothing. Let me tell you I looked like a DICK. So here’s my suggestion to my seamstresses in the house for a quick sew that every gal can appreciate: no-waste reusable makeup pads. They may not be mosaic portraits made from the recipient’s favorite soda, but they’re do the trick. 

Photo Feb 06, 4 33 50 PM.jpg

Reusable makeup pads are not a new idea. You can buy organic ones on etsy or find tutorials on the internet. They’re pretty self explanatory on the sewing side of things, so this isn’t a detailed tutorial. I’m going to make a set for myself too, so if you want to know step by step how these are made I would be happy to shoot a tutorial. I did incorporate a new element I haven’t seen on the web into my version of these wipes: I aded a 100% cotton batting in-between my two layers of fabric in order to make them a little plush. I figured as long as every layer of these pads are cotton, the batting will just add another layer to soak up the makeup remover and provide a more comfortable experience. 

I also think i made these pads a little too small. I traced the bottom of a beer glass in order to get the size, but my serger absolutely ATE some of these pads. I cut out 24 and got about 20 usable pads from them. It might even be easier to just do a tight zig zag stitch around the outside instead of serging because I did some HEAVY manhandling on these little disks. No matter what I would recommend cutting a few extra than you anticipate giving because with fidgety little pieces like this you never know what’s going to happen. 

Photo Feb 06, 4 33 48 PM.jpg

There’s a couple of ways to make the presentation of this gift dainty and pretty. I think a cool way to put send them out is to put them in a mason jar and soak them in makeup remover before giving them to the recipient. You could even make a label for the jar! I personally suffer from sensitive skin so I don’t want to assume what products anyone else uses, so I tied up mine dry with a bow. You could also toss in your personal favorite makeup remover in the bag for an extra personal touch. 

These pads are totally launderable. You can hand wash them with the same soap you use to cleanse your makeup brushes, or if you’re lazy like me you can toss them into your Sunday load of laundry. I know my friend Stephanie i very passionate about transitioning to a little to no waste lifestyle so I hope these gifts make her happy this Galentines Day. 


If you guys would like a detailed tutorial of these guys just leave me a comment! Also let me know how you’re celebrating Galentines this year! I hope it’s with waffles :)diy, galentines daymake your ownfacial wipesmakeup padsreusableno wastemakeup wipesmakeup



Aesthetic nurse Racquel Frisellas most recommended medical skincare products

Happy New Year! ~Ahh 2020, a new year with new beginnings and endless possibilities. So, there is no better time than right now to commit yourself to achieving your best skin ever! Don’t know where to start? That’s what I am here for! Here are my top skin resolutions and self-care ideas that will keep your skin glowing and healthy all through 2020 and in the decades to come. 

1. Double-Cleansing Your Skin 

Start 2020 with a clean slate…literally. It’s time to stop sleeping in makeup and instead go to bed each night with a cleansed and hydrated face. When removing makeup I always recommend doing a “double cleanse”. Cleanse your skin by using a dime size amount of cleanser. Next, use a makeup wipe to remove any residual makeup and eye makeup (I like to use neutrogena makeup wipes for this). Lastly, cleanse again with another dime size amount of cleanser (the same one is fine). This is the best way to ensure all of your makeup is removed. It is a 3 step process but it’s quick. No cotton pads, or drying needed. Rinse, cleanse, wipe, cleanse, rinse! This is exactly how we remove makeup in the office before any kind of treatment.

2. Choose a Cleanser that is right for you

If you’re going through the trouble of cleansing your face not once but twice then you also want to know you’re using a product that’s great for you skin! 

Cleanser for All Skin Types – My go-to cleanser of choice is safe for all skin types, the Neocutis Gentle Cleanser. It is gentle on the skin yet effective for removing makeup, debris, and impurities. It’s glycerin base makes it silky soft and great for moisture and infusing the skin with hydration.  

Cleanser for redness/rosacea prone skin – Go with the best cleanser for sensitive skin types Epionce Milky Lotion Cleanser

Cleanser for more acne-prone skin- Try a salicylic based acne medication cleanser to help clear blemishes and break-outs. I’d recommend the Avani Clarifying Cleanser.

*Use Code ROCKYNP to save 10% on any skincare purchases*

3.  Exfoliate Regularly to Remove Blackheads or Impurities

Exfoliation isn’t just for during a facial! I do recommend exfoliating with a nice scrub just 2-3x per week. Use your cleanser daily and add the exfoliant on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or whatever makes sense for you! This is especially helpful for those who suffer from clogged pores or blackheads. Exfoliating improves the texture but also tone and brightness of the skin. This medical grade exfoliating scrub AHA/BHA Exfolaiting Scrub is an incredible product. This scrub contains tiny jojoba spheres so if being more environmentally-friendly is on your resolution list this year too, you can checkmark that category since this product is plastic microbead-free.  

4. Never, Ever Pick your Blemishes

I know, I know this can be easier said than done. But it’s time to commit to STOP. I beg you, please stop picking at your blemishes! It only exacerbates the problem and transfers bacteria from your hands onto your face – right where you DON’T want it. Not only that, but the inflammation caused from picking creates broken skin, sores, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (little red marks/scars) that can takes weeks to months to fully heal. Instead, use a treatment cream that contains salicylic acid, like Epionce Lytic Tx. It works to slough away dead skin cells, minimize excess oil production and unclog pores of unwanted debris for a clear and calm complexion! Picking at your skin now will only require more expensive treatments down the line to help heal scars and discoloration. Save yourself now! 

5.  Apply SPF Daily

It’s 2020, do we really need to go over the importance of sunscreen?! Prioritize your health and the largest organ on your body this year and start wearing a sunscreen that will protect your face without irritation. Elta MD UV Clear SPF 46 provides UVA/UVB protection with 9% transparent zinc oxide and 7.5% octinoxate and contains hyaluronic acid to hydrate and niacinamide to help clear acne-prone skin and improve circulation.I LOVE the tinted version to combine your foundation and sunscreen in one simple step!

Aesthetic Nurse Racquel Frisella Best Medical Grade Skincare

6.  Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!!!

Hydrated skin is happy skin. Think of your moisturizer as giving your skin a big drink of water (our skin is almost always thirsty!). I recommend moisturizer in the AM & PM.  For more oily skin types choose a hyaluronic acid serum moisturizer called Hyalis +.  This lightweight moisturizer really absorbs into the skin to improve hydration, glow, and fine lines and wrinkles. For more dry skin types I love to use Epionce Renewal Lotion. For very dry skin the best trick is to layer both! Apply hyalis first and then layer the Epionce renewal lotion on top!  

When you are ready for the next step, we add hydration and anti-aging products to specific areas of the face like eye cream & neck cream. Linked my two favorites! They contain micro peptides small enough to provenly penetrate into the skin and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. The eye cream also contains a little pop of caffeine which eliminates under-eye puffiness! Little pro tip – you can always use your eye cream on your lips when you need some extra hydration there too!

7. Exfoliating Acid – If you’re going to splurge do it here.

If you are new to skincare, don’t get overwhelmed with all of this info! No one is expecting you to start with 100 new products and 25 steps every day. I recommend starting with a couple of great products and to stick with them when it comes to daily use. Consistency is key! 

Put which products to prioritize? Basically everything I talked about so far in the blog.

  • A cleanser that suits your skin 
  • A moisturizer 
  • SPF
  • And an exfoliant. Did you know acids exfoliate? A product doesn’t need to have a sandy or sugary texture to provide exfoliation! 

Consistent use of an exfoliating acid makes all the difference. I always say when prioritizing your skincare you should “splurge” on your exfoliating acid. This is the type of product that is going to really induce changein your skin. Your exfoliating acid could be retinolkoji padslytic, and/or glow pads. By implementing a product like this into your routine we are increasing skin cell turn-over leaving you with brighter, tighter, and glowing! You see, as we age, our skin cell turnover slows and slows and we are left with dull skin. These products not only brighten you back up but they also can be used to treat pigmentation and acne. If you wanted to start with just one new medical grade product, my recommendation is go for the Glow Pads, baby! This is my one stop, overnight, facelift in a jar. Cleanse, apply pad, (no moisturizer), go to sleep, and wake up to noticeably tighter, brighter, and GLOWING skin! 

8. Heal Your Skin From the Inside Out 

Almost any disease, pain, rash or blemishes in the body are a result of inflammation. Not to get to sciency but inflammation is the result of free-radicals in the body. Imagine free radicals as little tiny villains that run rampant throughout the body and antioxidants as the superheroes which come and neutralize them. An overload of free radicals is not good and leads to inflammation in the body which is the main cause for imbalances. Imbalances that may result in unhappy skin! Antioxidants fight off these free radicals that damage the skin and can even cause skin cancer. 
Nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, and other foods include coffee and chocolate! Yup, it’s true! So while we can eat our antioxidants, applying them directly to our skin is also hugely beneficial. Using a daily antioxidant is important for healing and protecting the inside of your skin. 

One of the most common antioxidants used in skincare is Vitamin C. There are thousands of products out there that have Vitamin C or ascorbic acid in them but if they are filled with other preservatives or not able to penetrate the skin then you might be wasting your money. I have searched high and low for the latest and greatest when it comes to Vitamin C Serums. Finally I’ve found one that I am obsessed with! Glow C! I rave more about it in this blog post, but just take my word, it’s the one. 

9.  Invest in Clinical Treatments 

…and don’t feel guilty about it!  There is nothing wrong using something more that a product line to take care of your body and your skin. If a cosmetic treatment is going to make you feel better about yourself and more confident then of course you should do it! Take the time. Make the investment. You ARE worth it.  Here are some of my top treatments to mix in throughout the year for amazing skin:

  • Botox every 3-4 months (see my Botox 101 blog for more info)
  • Fillers to enhance your natural beauty or correct volume loss (Fillers 101 blog here too!)
  • Hydrafacials + Dermaplaning + Chemical Peels (learn more about these 3 here)
  • Annual Intense Pulsed Light therapy
  • Microneedling

For more info on treatments I perform or to schedule your complimentary consultation fill out the contact form on my site and I will be in touch!  Keep in mind I typically book out about 8-10 weeks for in-office treatments. So plan ahead! 

10.  Save Money and Time by Getting A Professional Opinion 

There’s no sense in throwing money at products and never finishing them (hello to all those half used bottles in your bathroom drawers and cupboards), or buying things that aren’t right for your skin because someone at CVS recommended it. Sorry CVS, one size does not fit all! 


I provide complimentary, custom regimens online! 

Whether you are looking for anti-aging, acne treatment, or even pregnancy-safe regimens – I can help! I help patients nationwide achieve their best skin by using medical grade skincare. I love being able to reach and help people all over the country with the very same products I use daily in my practice. Skincare is not one size fits all. I create complementary, custom skincare regimens for my clients and I am able to do this via email and in the convenience of your own home. 

If you’re ready to start working towards healthier balanced skin today fill out the form here and click ‘Request Now’. I’ll create a plan that fits your needs with product recommendations. I ship nationwide and offer free shipping on orders over $100. What are you waiting for!? 2020 is your year to have CLEAR and GLOWING skin baby! 


Last minute karácsonyi ajándékok

Hamarosan itt a karácsony és szinte mindenki azon pörög, hogy szeretteinek milyen ajándékot vegyen, ami hasznos és amivel örömet tud szerezni a másiknak. Ha legalább körvonalazódott bennünk, hogy milyen irányba szeretnénk elmenni ajándék ügyben, akkor érdemes felcsapni a netet, hogy azt is megnézzük, hogy a legolcsóbb egy egy termék. Ha mákunk van online is meg lehet rendelni és nem kell együtt tolongani a többi emberrel az áruházakban. 


Ebben a posztban a teljesség igénye nélkül összeszedtem pár ötletet, ami esetleg gondlatébresztő lehet. Belecsempésztem egy nagyágyút is, már ami az árát illeti. És nem feltétlen az ára miatt fog neki az ajándékozott örülni, hanem a hatékonysága és a praktikusság miatt. Ha valaki megengedheti magának, akkor érdemes beruházni egyre. 


Bőrfeszesítés komolyabb beavatkozás nélkül – Kipróbáltuk és tényleg működik!

Nagyon sokan olvastátok azt a posztomat, amit az arckezelésemről írtam, azóta sokan ki is próbáltátok és mind-mind nagyon elégedettek voltatok. Nemrég volt anyák napja és úgy gondoltam, hogy meglepem az anyukámat egy olyan kezeléssel, amilyen még sosem volt neki és ezzel egybekötve egy csajos napot tölthettünk együtt. Nagyon kíváncsi voltam, hogy milyen lesz az eredmény és azt kell mondjam, hogy egy alkalom után olyan látványos volt a végeredmény, hogy ezt mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom, aki úgy érzi, hogy már picit megereszkedett a bőre és szeretne pár órát teljesen ellazulni. Ebben a posztban részletesen le fogom írni, hogy milyen a Hydradermie Lift méregtelenítő, feszesítő kezelés menete és a végén azt is látni fogjátok, hogy milyen lett az anyukám arca a kezelés után. Ebben Richter Margó segítségét kértem, mert én annyira ehhez nem értek, ő pedig szakszerűen leírta nekem, hogy mikor milyen anyagokat használt a kezelés során.

Guinot hydra face_1.jpg

Anyukám arcát első lépésben megtisztította tisztító tejjel és tonikkal. Az minden kezelés első lépése.


Makeup For Life

From the scattering of glitter to the blocks of bright eyeshadow and vibrant graphic lines, it was all about the eyes at New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2019. At Tadashi Shoji and Kate Spade, high-impact glitter eyes were paired with clean skin and bare lips to keep the look modern and fresh.

Tadashi Shoji and Kate Spade
At Rodarte, makeup artist James Kaliardos painted horizontal swatches of canary yellow, baby blue and fuchsia onto models’ lids using the newly reformulated NARS Single Eyeshadows in Douro, Baby Jane and Domination. To really up the intensity of the color, he pressed the pigment directly onto the eyelid with a medium-sized brush before buffing the edges. Then there were the “punky” wings seen at Alice + Olivia, which Maybelline New York Global Makeup Artist Erin Parsons crafted with turquoise eyeliner (Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Waterproof Gel Pencil Eyeliner in Silken Turquoise) topped with powder eyeshadow (the teal shade from Maybelline The City Mini Eyeshadow Palette in Graffiti Pop).

Rodarte & Alice + Olivia

And let’s not forget the good old cat eye, which popped up in different colors and forms this season. Models at Self-Portrait wore white graphic lines around the eyes (courtesy of Maybelline Lasting Drama Waterproof Gel Pencil in Cashmere White) to depict a “youthful, free and feminine spirit”, while a “Classic Disney Villains” inspired look of neon green wings paired with a black lip showed up at The Blonds.

Self-Portrait and The Blonds


Makeup Remover Wipes

These Makeup Remover Wipes work well for everyday use or for times when you need to remove stubborn makeup. With the added bonus of being less expensive to make than wipes found in stores, they include products that you already know and love. Store-bought products often contain harsh chemicals that can dry out the skin and leave it feeling unhealthy. Instead, these do-it-yourself wipes moisturize the skin while providing gentle cleansing and will leave you with healthy, smooth, and radiant-looking skin. They also provide a quick and easy way to remove makeup while on-the-go, helping the kids, or if you’re simply too tired to get out of bed. Melaleuca, or Tea Tree, essential oil is used in this recipe because it is renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Melaleuca also aids in reducing the appearance of blemishes and soothes occasional skin irritations, making it a wonderful addition to this do-it-yourself recipe. Ingredients2 tablespoons witch hazel2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil2 tablespoons distilled water1–2 drops Melaleuca (Tea Tree) oilRoll of paper towels Instructions

  1. Combine witch hazel, Fractionated Coconut Oil, and water in a small blowl and stir.
  2. Add Melaleuca (Tea Tree) essential oil.
  3. Use a serrated knife to cut the roll of paper towels in half widthwise and remove tube from one half.
  4. Put the half without the tube in an airtight container, then pour the solution over the roll.
  5. Replace lid and shake.
  6. To use, pull wipes from center and wipe off makeup.

Note: This recipe works for all skin types. Store in a cool, dry place and use within three months. These wipes are great for everyday use, but here are some other occasions when these wipes may come in handy. After:A dance recital or competitionA pageantA music recitalYour wedding dayTrick-or-treatingFamily picturesProm Before:Going to bedCampingGoing on vacationExercisingApplying morning makeup


The Right and Wrong Ways to Remove Makeup

hers lifestyle image

Imagine that you’ve just spent a night out with friends and you’ve finally made it back home. How do you get ready for bed? You probably take the pins out of your hair and brush your teeth, and maybe swish with a little mouthwash to make sure you get rid of those red wine stains. 

But what do you do about your makeup? 

If you’re like most women, you probably grab a makeup wipe and go to town. After using a wet wipe, you probably feel like you’ve gotten rid of most — if not all — of your makeup. Those multicolored stains on the wipe are evidence of that. 

What you may not realize is that regular use of makeup wipes may be doing your skin more harm than good. 

Of course, using a makeup wipe is better than sleeping in a full face of makeup, but only slightly. If you’re making this makeup removal mistake, you might be making others. 

We’ve covered the right and wrong ways to remove your makeup below to help you keep your skin clear and healthy. 

Why Is It Important to Remove Makeup at Night? 

You’ve undoubtedly had some of those nights when you’re simply too exhausted to even think about washing your face. You collapse in bed and wake up in the morning to find a color copy of last night’s look imprinted on your pillowcase. 

What you may not realize is that sleeping in your makeup makes an impact on more than just your pillowcase — it can also affect your skin.

Here are 5 of the top reasons you need to remove your makeup at night: 

  1. It can leave your complexion looking dull in the morning. The same makeup that helped you conceal those fine lines and wrinkles the night before can settle in overnight, making your complexion look dull and dry in the morning. It can actually make you look older!
  2. It can increase the risk of breakouts. The natural oil in your skin serves as a protective layer that locks in moisture. If you add makeup to the mix and leave it on overnight, the two can mix together in a pore-clogging combination that increases the risk of breakouts. 
  3. It can counteract your nighttime anti-aging products. If you have a nightly anti-aging routine, you could be sabotaging your own efforts if you apply product over your makeup instead of cleansing first. Good anti-aging products aren’t cheap, so make sure you get your money’s worth by cleansing before applying them at night.
  4. It can clog your pores, making them larger and more visible. Dermatologist Dr. David Orentreich told Cosmopolitan that makeup can embed itself in the pores overnight, clogging and stretching them which makes them look bigger. Complete makeup removal and thorough nighttime cleansing is the key to having healthy, happy skin in the morning. 
  5. It can dehydrate your skin and throw off your oil balance. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it needs to breathe to remain healthy. Keeping it covered in makeup overnight can throw off the balance of oil and water in your skin that keeps it fresh and moisturized, leaving your skin looking and feeling dehydrated in the morning. 

Makeup removal is one thing and cleansing your skin is another. Depending on what type of cleanser you use, you can sometimes kill two birds with one stone. But you shouldn’t assume that a cleanser will completely remove your makeup. 

The Top 4 Makeup Removal Mistakes

Removing your makeup seems like a simple task, but there’s more to it than you may realize. In fact, you could be making some of these makeup removal mistakes, and your skin could be suffering for it.

Mistake #1: Not Cleansing After Using Makeup Removal Wipes

Makeup removal wipes are not enough. They’re a great tool to remove makeup from the surface of your skin, but it doesn’t do much for the residue that accumulates in your pores. Plus, if you’re using oil-based makeup removal wipes, you could be adding extra oil to your skin which might increase your risk of breakouts. If you choose to use makeup removal wipes, follow it up with a quick cleanse. 

Mistake #2: Forgetting to Pull Your Hair Back First 

Pulling your hair back before washing your face is not just for the sake of keeping it out of your face. By pulling your hair into a ponytail before cleansing, you expose the skin around your hairline, which is where makeup residue tends to accumulate. Wash your face all the way to the hairline for a thorough cleanse that will leave your skin looking and feeling fresh. 

Mistake #3: Skipping the Double-Cleanse 

Even if you feel like your makeup remover takes care of your makeup, there could still be impurities left behind. The key to completely removing your makeup and cleansing your skin is the double-cleanse. Start by washing your face once to remove the makeup, then wash again to cleanse and purify your skin. 

During your second cleanse, be sure to massage your skin as well to boost circulation for a healthy and glowing complexion. 

Mistake #4: Scrubbing Instead of Dabbing or Soaking 

Sometimes you need to put a little work into removing your makeup, but avoid scrubbing at your skin too hard — especially in delicate areas like the skin around your eyes. For stubborn eye makeup, soak a cotton pad in makeup remover and hold it over your eye for ten seconds or so before gently dabbing and wiping the makeup away. For everything else, dab at your skin with your preferred makeup removal product rather than scrubbing back and forth or pull in one direction to avoid damaging your skin.

Another important tip to keep in mind when removing makeup is to take your time. Though it may seem like a quick scrub is the best way to get the job done, it’s better to let your makeup removal product do the heavy lifting. Soak and dab to prevent friction which can damage delicate skin and cause irritation.

The Right Way to Remove Your Makeup for Healthy Skin

Water is the foundation of life, and it’s also the secret to removing makeup as well as dirt, oil and sebum without going through your entire cleansing routine. We’re talking about micellar water (pronounced me-sell-air). Not only is micellar water a quick and easy way to remove makeup and impurities, but it is gentle on your skin and suitable for all skin types. 

Though it has only become trendy in the United States within the past few years, micellar water has been a Parisian skincare secret for decades. Micellar water is comprised of myriad tiny micelles (oil molecules) suspended in water that act as a magnet to lift oil, dirt and makeup away from your skin. 

To use micellar water, all you have to do is saturate a cotton pad and wipe it across your face — no scrubbing and no rinsing needed!

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to remove stubborn makeup, micellar water is the way to go, but there are other options worth considering as well. Here are some other simple tips for removing your makeup to keep your skin looking radiant: 

  • Remove your lip color first. Everyone loves a bold red lipstick — except when it’s smeared all over your face. Make lipstick removal the first step in your bedtime routine to avoid this disaster. Soak a cotton pad in micellar water or cleansing oil and wipe it gently across your lips.
  • Be extra gentle around your eyes. Pulling and dragging at the skin around your eyes can lead to irritation and may increase the appearance of wrinkles. Instead of scrubbing away eye makeup, saturate a cotton pad in micellar water or makeup remover and lay it over your eyes for a few seconds before gently rubbing the makeup away.
  • Apply a few drops of cleansing oil. Oil tends to attract oil, so using a cleansing oil on your skin can help lift stubborn makeup (like heavy eye makeup) while also nourishing your skin and replenishing its natural moisture. Simply apply a few drops of cleansing oil to a cotton pad and dab it gently on your skin as needed.
  • Soak up some steam before cleansing. Steam opens up your pores, making it easier for your cleanser to penetrate deep into the skin, lifting away stubborn makeup and debris. Fill your sink with hot water and hover your face over it for a minute or two. You can also soak a washcloth in hot water then wring it out and drape it over your face to open up your pores. 
  • Use toner after cleansing your skin. Toner is typically used to condition your skin and to remove any excess oil leftover after cleansing. It can also give your cleansing routine a quick boost, helping remove impurities that might remain after you wash your face. Simply saturate a cotton pad and wipe it gently across your skin before moisturizing. 

Once you’ve removed all of your makeup, it’s important to apply a nighttime moisturizer to help replenish your skin’s natural moisture and to protect it overnight. Apply moisturizer immediately after your final cleanse while your skin is still damp — this will help lock in the moisture. Go for a water-based moisturizer featuring aloe vera or hyaluronic acid at night for maximum hydration.


Please Stop Using Makeup Wipes–Double Cleanse Instead!

Yesterday on instagram I shared a meme from one of my favorite skincare experts, Caroline Hirons, beseeching everyone to stop using makeup wipes, and you all were not having it. And I discovered that an alarming number of you sweet baby angels are using baby wipes to remove your makeup.

This makes sense: makeup wipe are convenient, and they appear effective. Baby wipes are made for literal babies, so they seem gentle. Effective + gentle = happy skin, right…? Not this time. I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but makeup wipes are not your friend. They’re fine for occasional use (camping, traveling, illness, etc) but if you are using a makeup wipe, baby wipe, or water wipe as your primary mechanism for removing your makeup or cleansing your face, you are doing long-term damage to your face. You’re also not doing the environment any favors—that’s a lot of unnecessary waste! There are environmentally friendly options available that are just as convenient and much more friendly to your face.


  • Makeup wipes destroy your acid mantle, which is a delicate and important layer on the surface of your skin that keeps moisture in and junk out. Your acid mantle is how your skin protects itself from viruses, bacteria, and other nasty things that want in. Your acid mantle deserves love and protection. Throw away your makeup wipes.
  • The texture of 99.9% of makeup wipes is harsh enough to be considered a mechanical exfoliant. Most people use some kind of exfoliating product in their skincare routine, so for most people this is just a little bit too much for your skin to handle. Over exfoliating will destroy your acid mantle.
  • Most of the people who responded to my story about makeup wipes expressed dismay because they use makeup wipes to remove their mascara, and ya’ll, you do NOT want to exfoliate your delicate eye tissue. Makeup wipes can cause micro-tears in your skin that can advance the aging process (this is also why skin pros don’t want you to use harsh facial scrubs like St. Ives Apricot Scrub—hands and feet only!) so using them on your delicate eye tissue is essentially inviting fine lines and wrinkles to join the party much earlier than they would otherwise.
  • Baby wipes are not formulated to keep pores clear or break down waxes or oils (makeup), they are formulated to remove organic material from the surface of the skin. Using a baby wipe to clean your face means you are leaving a LOT of makeup and environmental debris behind.
  • Makeup wipes are not formulated to actually clean your skin. They are formulated to break down makeup. Your face might look makeup free when you’re done, but these wipes don’t actually cleanse your skin and tend to leave behind a residue that isn’t doing your skin any favors. They just suck.

skin and environmentally friendly alternatives

  • If you simply must use a makeup remover, consider switching to reusable bamboo pads or bamboo wash clothes rather than disposable cotton rounds. (note: daily use of a wash cloth is still going to be a mild exfoliant. If you struggle with dry skin, lay off!)
  • D O U B L E C L E A N S E! Ya’ll, a double cleanse is the nicest way to wash your face and is as effective at removing makeup as a makeup wipe. Double cleansing is the method of using an oil cleanser first to break down makeup and get things movin’, and then following up with a traditional cleanser. My favorite cleansers for step one are:

why should you double cleanse?

Double cleansing is infinitely more gentle. Using a cleansing oil rather than a makeup remover or a makeup wipe has multiple benefits. For starters, it is a way to cleanse your face WITHOUT exfoliating, which is pretty important for those of us who use chemical exfoliants. Massaging your face is a fantastic way to stimulate lymphatic drainage (will make you less puffy,) and can hep gently stimulate collagen production in your face. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and it keeps our skin firm and tight! I know you oily and acne prone babes are probably side-eyeing the shit out of me suggesting you lather your face in oil, but please, trust me.

how do you double cleanse?

Simply massage 1-2 pumps of your preferred cleansing oil onto your dry skin as if you were washing your face. This gentle facial massage breaks down makeup and helps lift makeup, dirt, and other debris off the surface of your skin. Rinse and massage with warm water. Follow up with a regular cleanser. Easy!


Makeup Remover Pads Using Only 4 Natural Ingredients

I’m going to be totally honest here… I find washing my face to be highly inconvenient!  I always end up with water dripping down my arms and all over the counter… maybe I’m just not good at it but I just can’t seem to do it mess free!  Because of this I typically wash my face in the shower and when I don’t need a shower I use makeup remover wipes.  Most of these types of wipes contain unnecessary chemicals and therefore no longer fit into my nontoxic beauty routine so I decided to create my own recipe!  It’s super easy and all natural, you can switch out the fragrance options but I enjoy the combination of lavender and chamomile as it is very soothing at night time.  And if you have sensitive skin you can leave out the essential oils all together to have a natural fragrance free option!  I believe that the key ingredient is the aloe vera gel which not only helps with removing makeup but doesn’t wonders moisturizing the skin and creating a nice barrier to seal in the moisture!  Now I get to enjoy no mess along with no chemicals… problem solved! To try these out for yourself follow the full recipe below!

Ingredients & Supplies Needed

1/8 cup Aloe Vera

1/8 Cup Fractionated Coconut Oil

1/2 Tsp Vitamin E Oil

1/3 Cup Distilled Water  

16 oz Wide Mouth Lidded Glass Jar (like THIS one)

Approximately 20-30 Cotton Rounds per 16 ounce jar


20 Reusable Cotton Fabric Rounds/ Nursing Pads (like THESE)

4 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

4 Drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Makeup Remover DIY pads that are easy to make and uses only 4 Natural Ingredients! You can customize these pads with essential oils for added fragrance and benefits!

Natural Makeup Remover Pads Recipe  

Mix all ingredients together well in a bowl and set bowl aside.  Spoon a little of the mixture at the bottom of your jar and then place 2-3 cotton rounds on top of the mixture, press down to soak up the liquid and saturate the pads.  Continue this pattern of first spooning liquid then placing cotton rounds until all the pads have been placed in the jar.  Pour any remaining liquid mixture into the jar and shake well to combine evenly.  That’s It!!

A few thoughts to share with you here… When you go to use the pads I always lightly squeeze out any excess liquid so that it is not too much, not dropping or getting into my eyes etc.  I will typically use 1-2 pads at a time depending on how much makeup I wore that day.  The best thing about these wipes for me is that the wipes are so moisturizing that I don’t need to use any additional nighttime moisturizer unless my skin is feeling extra dry that day.  

Makeup Remover DIY pads that are easy to make and uses only 4 Natural Ingredients! You can customize these pads with essential oils for added fragrance and benefits!

Also, as noted above, you can use fabric cotton rounds as opposed to disposable cotton to make them washable and thus reusable.  I should also mention that the disposable cotton rounds do tend to get a little thinned out in the liquid… they do not disintegrate but they are just not quite as fluffy once they have been soaking in the liquid.  I would imagine that the fabric rounds will hold their texture better than the disposable rounds.  You can also make adjustments to this recipe if you prefer wipes over pads, you would just want to double or even triple the recipe as the wipes are bigger in size than the pads so they will require more liquid ingredients.  If you choose to do this variation you could keep the wipes in a glass Tupperware container.

Makeup Remover DIY pads that are easy to make and uses only 4 Natural Ingredients! You can customize these pads with essential oils for added fragrance and benefits!

And now, think of all the money you will save on makeup remover solution and wipes!  Plus you will be avoiding all those excess chemicals on your face!  Go ahead and try it out for yourself, then make some gifts for friends and loved ones!! 


How To Clean Our Reusable Cotton Makeup Remover Pads

Lot’s of you have been asking how to clean our Reusable Cotton Makeup Remover Pads…. but the truth was I didn’t know! 

So I have been on a  super busy on a mission to try and figure it out for you all! 

So after sooooo many hilarious experiments using everything we could possibly imagine, we discovered that with most things being oil based dish products worked best! 

Whilst I can’t guarantee yours will come up the same, we tested these in full 80’s style and came up with our top picks.  We are pretty happy that the best two were soap bars with ZERO PLASTIC REQUIRED!! Boom!

They were cleaned almost straight away, I’d say within 15 – 20 minutes of decorating them, so might be best to keep a soap bar in the bathroom.  These ones haven’t gone through the washing machine, but it is best not to let them dry between rinsing with soap bar and putting through the washing machine.

Best Makeup Remover Wipes Cleaning Process:

1. Try to wash as soon as possible after removing makeup. 

2. We found Sunlight Soap Bars to work the best, they are available at most supermarkets and cost around $4 for a pack of 4 and you will find so many more uses for them around the house! 

3. I actually found washing the side without makeup (if there is one) worked better, as it pushed the makeup out of the cotton and not into it further. 

4. Wash cotton rounds with soap bar under warm water and rinse a few times. 

5. Leave a wet with little soap on them until you are ready to put them through the washing machine. 

Best to not let dry in between rinsing and washing.